Throughout the year, your new CMS website will require changes, enhancements, and security updates. With managed hosting from ImageWorks Creative, we take care of everything for you. No longer do you need to fill out a support ticket with a commodity, low-cost giant or attempt finicky updates yourself.

What Does “Managed Hosting” Mean?

Many businesses are tempted to sign up for cheap shared hosting, and then are fooled by the system. These hosts know that you will need support and have technical issues, and this is where they make their money. They are also gateways to enormous chains of upsells. GoDaddy actually offers an upgrade to managed hosting as part of their checkout process. A reputable business needs a solid managed hosting solution. Here is what you get with ImageWorks Managed Hosting:

  • A live site engineer that works on your account. A person who you can talk to and is available in emergency situations.
  • All security updates. (Maintenance plan required) CMSs require these each month. Without them your site will break and be susceptible to hackers.
  • Control over your own hardware, bandwidth, apps, system, and security.
  • Nightly malware and anti virus scans. 
  • Server support is covered. If something breaks because of our hosting environment we fix it. No charge. The only exception is if the issue was caused by a log-in from an external user (someone at your location).
  • Your server and hardware are constantly monitored and maintained.

So with managed hosting, support and service updates INCLUDED. With commodity shared hosting, you get nothing. You get outsourced.

We Offer Two Types Of Managed Hosting:

  1. Dedicated (Single-Tenant). Your own machine.
  2. Multi-Tenant. You are on one of our own private machines with a few other clients. Since we are not a large commodity host, we are able to manage these solutions much better without overcrowding the server because are business models demand it. Also, our clients are local businesses, not random online businesses of all types that can be high risk.

Hosting Details:

  • We back up your site using AMANDA to two different servers each night, including a fail safe server in a different location (in the event one data-center is destroyed).
  • If any site is using up too much space or bandwidth, we rearrange our server sites so that each is operating efficiently and not hogging anyone else’s space.
  • Nightly malware and anti virus scans. 
  • Security Updates for CMS with paid maintenance plans. 
  • Website Monitoring 24/7 
  • We have real people who you can call, email, or text in emergencies. No offshore support here!
  • Our servers are set up and maintained for CMS websites. Most aren’t.
  • We choose the best hardware and infrastructure and have a full-time system admin to guarantee everything runs smoothly.


The cost of our program is exceedingly affordable and includes set up, strategy planning, creating all of the above and continued management and optimization of the program as well as 24/7 online access to your dashboard! We prefer not to share this online so contact us here or call us at 703.928.7309.

Talk to us about Hosting Options