Google Boost

Hierarchy of Google Ads: Which Ad Type is Best for Your Business?

Posted by ImageWorks Creative Team March 24, 2021
Whether you’re in a competitive market, or you’re just looking to get a competitive edge, advertising on Google is an important part of a balanced digital marketing strategy. The different types of Google Advertising campaigns can lend themselves better to different business goals and budget. So, in order to get the best return on investment, what Google Ad type is best for you

ImageWorks Offers Small Business Support - Web Design & Marketing Strategy 

Posted by ImageWorks Creative Team May 20, 2020

We know how hard Stay At Home orders have hit independent enterprises, and how difficult it is to operate without a large team or budget to fall back on.

Mr. Google has Retired His Tags!

Posted by ImageWorks Creative Team May 04, 2011

And Mr. ImageWorks creates a new program to leverage this for your business!

We are talking tagging that allows local businesses (and non-local with multiple locations) to promote their business and rank higher in local search results marked by the famous “red balloon.” No, this is not a reference to Nena’s “99 Red Balloons” from the ‘80s, although we do like the song for “’80s night.”