7 “Must-Have” Rules for Successful Email Marketing

Posted by ImageWorks Creative Team May 19, 2011

Rules: don’t run with scissors; don’t play ball in the house; don’t smack your brother… we all have them. We urge you follow these rules prior to sending out your first email marketing campaign. Although, if you choose not to, we won’t tattle, but your analytics will.

  1. Be a regular in their inbox

    We get asked this all the time, “What is the appropriate amount of saturation for the email market sector?” The answer is, a fluid one with frequency based on your audience. You don’t want to bombard your readers with email but you also don’t want them to forget about you. It’s a tricky waltz. We suggest starting with one email every week or two and evaluate from there based on your open rate.

  2. Have something to say

    What you say and how you say it matters. We like emails that educate, announce something meaningful, offer a special or promotion, or even simply a request to follow you on Facebook and Twitter. Remember that all of your services or products’ benefits are a lot to digest on a single visit. Getting across some value points or helping solve a problem customers are facing (preferably because your have a solution) is a great approach to peak customers interest and keep them coming back to your site.

  3. Your subject line

    What makes a good subject line? What makes a great one? Your subject line can make or break you, so write carefully, Grasshopper. Ask your buddies and ask your coworkers. What grabs their attention? What grabs your attention with the pieces you receive? A subject line should appeal directly to an interest, solution or offer that is appropriate for your target market.  A funny subject line can go a long way; a little humor will never hurt anyone.

  4. Leave them wanting more

    You want your email to be like a mini-vacation from your readers’ day…The purpose of the exercise is to have your readers click through to your website and eventually engage in one of your conversion goals. If you peak their interest and make them WANT to learn more or to get in touch, you have succeeded.

  5. Use the right landing page

    You wouldn’t build a driveway without a house, right? So why build your email marketing campaign without a great catcher’s mitt on the other side? Your landing page needs to be clear, to-the-point and conversion-centric. You need great calls-to-action in your email campaign and matching calls-to-action on your landing page to encourage your users to convert. Remember, although you are selling your product, nobody likes a salesman.

  6. Follow the rules

    CAN-SPAM means you actually can send unsolicited email campaigns…just as you can with direct mail, but there are rules that you must follow. If you are using a purchased list, clean the list first by announcing your intentions honestly and asking them to subscribe for future emails. To do this successfully you must offer something if interest or something they want. Here is the CAN-SPAM ACT: http://business.ftc.gov/documents/bus61-can-spam-act-compliance-guide-business

  7. Learn from your mistakes

    Don’t worry, not all of us can be perfect all the time. Use your analytics to gauge what you can do differently next time. Could you use a new subject line? Use A/B testing to try new things. Spice up your next campaign with images. Focus on your strengths and run with them.

Want to learn more or discuss your marketing project? Call us at 800-308-8573 or request a quote or online meeting here.

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