How Much is Too Much? How Often Your Business Should Post on Social Media

Posted by ImageWorks Creative Team April 13, 2018

Many businesspeople know the struggle. You want to spread awareness about your business, and what better way to share than on social media? So you get to work crafting the most eye-catching images and headlines for sharing.

But there’s a problem. You’re not sure how big the font should be, or if your headlines are too long, or if your followers will truly appreciate the post. You worry that your posts are just like everyone else’s, that you are posting too little or too much, or that your content is just not good enough. These are some common hang-ups that marketers and business owners face—today we will discuss one of them.

How often should your business post on social media? Posting too little will cause your audience to think that you ghosted them, and too much makes you look desperate. It’s tough to strike a balance so that your followers are aware of your presence but also excited to see your new posts. Though quality content should be your number one focus, you cannot afford to ignore the frequency of your social media posts.

Remember this: The frequency you post on social media depends on your business’s unique goals. Even so, there are general guidelines you can follow based on the social media platform.


Is Your Business…

Retail? We recommend you update your followers about 2-4 times per week.**

B2B? We recommend you update your followers about 1-2 times per week.*

B2G? We recommend you do not post more than about 1-2 times per week.*

*with the exception of Twitter (In this case, follow the guidelines given below)

**with the exception of Facebook & Twitter (In this case, follow the guidelines given below)



Facebook is still the biggest social media network right now, and you absolutely must be posting regularly. According to Hubspot, companies with fewer than 10,000 Facebook followers should generally follow the “less is more” tactic. They found in a study that these businesses received the highest amount of clicks per post when they only posted one to five times a month. Any more and their engagement dropped. However, businesses with over 10,000 followers found greater engagement with more frequent posting.


Instagram is a social media platform built for retail stores. The image-focused platform is great for creativity and customer engagement, but how does a business go about finding a good posting frequency? The answer to this, according to Union Metrics, is however often you can manage. With Instagram, frequency is not nearly as important as consistency.

If you can manage to post 5 times a day, that’s great! Just don’t post only 3 times the next day. If you can only post twice a week, that’s fine too! Don’t change the frequency of your posts. This will cause a significant drop in engagement. When creating your Instagram plan, make sure to set the posting frequency at something you can handle.


Twitter is rather unique in the social media world. For most businesses, we recommend that you only update on Twitter when you have something new to share. This could be an award won, a new blog post, or a great quote spoken by your CEO.

In a study performed by Social Bakers, they found that 1-5 tweets a day was optimal for audience engagement. Unless your business has a budget (of time and money!) for tweeting more than this, we don’t recommend that you go above 5 tweets per day.


LinkedIn is also a little different than the mainstream social media platforms out there. This is a businessperson’s hub, and you need to ensure that you post only your best content and keep things professional.

We recommend that you post no more than two times a week to avoid being seen as spammy.

Every business is different, so make sure that you know your business goals before you approach social media posting. Keep in mind though, that ultimately, posting frequency is not nearly as important as the quality of content you are posting.


ImageWorks Creative can help you identify your company’s marketing goals, lay out a detailed social media plan, and help create quality content that serves your audience’s needs. We have been a trusted agency for over 21 years, and know exactly how you can expand your business.

To find out more click here, OR give us a call at (703)-782-8934 to discuss a social posting plan for your business.

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