Former Ad-Exec Inspires Us to Buy American

Posted by ImageWorks Creative Team August 22, 2013

Yesterday, we made a discovery that appealed to us from just about every imaginable angle.  Ad executive Alex Bogusky has introduced a new video for a campaign called the "Made Movement," advocating for consumers to buy American in an effort to decrease unemployment and return jobs to our soil.


His proposal states that if we made sure to buy one additional American-made product for every 20 products purchased, we would be able to add more than one million jobs to our economy.


Of course, we love jobs, and we love American ingenuity.  Bogusky's video and campaign combine both.  The video itself is an excellent example of what individuals, companies, and organizations can produce to educate, inform, and inspire their audiences.  Here at ImageWorks, we love being given the opportunity to make videos like this for our clients!


We also love seeing marketing professionals put their skills to use to do more than make sales, and that's exactly what Bogusky has been doing since he left his job three years ago to become a consumer advocate.  What better way to direct your creative energy than toward helping those in need?


Check out the video here, and let us know if you decide to take the pledge!

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