Just Google It
A new lesson in classical marketing By Scott C. Margenau I caught myself using this seemingly overworked phrase…again…in the midst of a sales presentation: “Just google it.” I have heard this phrase on TV, radio and in conversations with friends…it's everywhere! In fact, Webster’s recently added the new verb ”google” to their dictionary!
Why is Google the first name that comes to mind when we think of looking for something? Classical marketing laws would tell us it’s the “first in market…first in mind” rule. That rule points us to such brands as Coke, Xerox, Band Aid, Kleenex, Miller Lite), etc. But we “FedEx” a package now—right? Many other shipping companies were in the market long before FedEx. We “google it,” not “Yahoo it”…or “MSN it”…or “Lycos it,” etc. So the first-in-market rule doesn’t seem to hold water in today’s fast-paced, high-tech marketplace. Consider this modification to the rule: “The first to make the biggest brand impact and reinforce its image with a great product or service will eventually become first in mind and in market…sometimes.” OK, that’s better…and note that I left some wiggle room.
How do you keep that initial brand momentum in place? After being marketed for decades, “Coke” is still used as a generic term. If you ask for a “Lite” and you get a Bud Light, you give the bartender the evil eye. And when we want to look something up…we “google it.” Why do some brand impressions last while others fade? That’s because some companies continue to reinforce their “brand language” with smart marketing and advertising. And it’s because these companies produce very good products that are constantly improved and expanded upon.
For businesses of all sizes, here is a list of media we find highly effective: · Web Site Overhauls—Make your site more compelling and maximize it for strong conversions, by helping customers find what they want, piquing their interest and having calls to action that match their buying habits. Internal and external research has shown that a very high percentage of web sites in numerous industries fail to achieve core objectives.* · E-mail Campaigns—With a 56/1 ROI, they are the best way to keep in front of prospects as they go through a normal sales cycle. · Online Advertising and Promotion—PPC, organic SEO, ads, social and viral campaigns…all work extremely well for most products and services. · Impactful Print and Electronic Media—Echo your brand language and intrigue your prospect base from all marketing challenges. · Blogs and Online PR— Effectively use blogs and press releases to enhance your “online value” relevant to your industry (which Google loves). · Trade Show Marketing—This differs from industry to industry, but these shows are a great way to get in front of a large percentage of your target market in a short time frame. Today’s shows are much more interactive and informative than those in the past.
What can businesses of all sizes learn from this? Create great products or services, and make sure your marketplace is aware of and impressed by your brand. All companies need to continue to effectively promote their brands and their key advantages to their target customers and prospect base. This should be done by a reputable firm or agency through the use of innovative and compelling media and strategies. For more marketing information and tips, visit http://www.brandsthatsell.com/. *See studies from Forrester at http://www.forrester.com/. (Numerous studies concern Web site research.) * “Since 1999, Forrester has evaluated the experience of more than 1,000 Web sites. During that period, only 3% of the sites received passing scores on our Web Site Review methodology.”—Bruce D. Temkin (Forrester) Scott C. Margenau is CEO of ImageWorks Studio http://www.imageworksstudio.com/