Look Out - Construction Ahead!
ImageWorks is under construction. No, not our website (that's always evolving!) but the actual office space here in Northern Virginia (Chantilly, to be exact) where we produce custom websites and market great businesses and organizations.
One of our current clients, FOCUS, is an architectural design firm in Arlington VA. They've come up with an amazing new layout for our offices, and construction is under way. We can't wait until the project is finished so that we can move in to our vastly upgraded space!
Doesn't this look great?
Rest assured, while we're under construction, our web design and marketing company continues to run smoothly. We aren't going to inconvenience our clients just so we can have a beautiful place to call our own!
When the work is all done, we'll be sharing more pics and inviting everyone out to visit our remodeled web design firm here in Chantilly. We can't wait to show off the great work our friends at FOCUS have done!