Work From Home Tips from Imageworks Employees

Like Imageworks Creative, more and more office-based companies are encouraging their employees to work from home in support of social distancing, or the practice of limiting situations where a person is in close proximity with others. This measure will be especially helpful in slowing the spread of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, but it will be a big adjustment for many office workers. Since Imageworks employees routinely work from home, we’re sharing their tips and habits that keep them productive, connected, and cabin-fever resistant.
Here’s How Imageworks Works From Home
Aimee, Operations, Brand, & Marketing Manager
“A tip is to make sure you set work hours for yourself. If not, you will work 24/7 because you never leave the office. I separate work from home in that I have set hours when I am working and schedule a time to end work to take care of personal matters. I check emails early in the morning, around 7am, and then plan my day accordingly.”
Jordan, Marketing Assistant
“When I work from home, I make sure to still take breaks and I usually try to do a small physical task when I take them. By doing something completely different than sitting at my workspace and fiddling around on my computer or scrolling on my phone, I feel like I’m better able to reset and take on the next task. These are usually the smaller things on my To-Do List, like take out the trash or wipe down the kitchen counters. Something small to keep you up, moving, and thinking about something different helps break up the monotony of a day spent working at home. It also helps break down your home To-Do list into smaller chunks which helps that feel more manageable, as well. So, win-win!”
Paul, Project Manager
“I’ve recently purchased my home, so I still haven’t flushed out an office space yet. I just set up wherever I feel like that day. Working from home is typically easier for me, and I get more work done because I don’t spend an hour and half sitting in traffic. I do the same thing I do in the office as I do at home, so, to me, it’s not different. I just open my laptop and start answering emails.”
Elise, Senior Graphic Designer
“I get up at the same time I normally would. Get ready, have my coffee, eat my breakfast, and just be happy I don't have to get in the car and fight the DC traffic. I’m telling you getting up at the same time helps because if you get any extra sleep your body and your mind kind of feel like you’re in a weekend or a holiday mode, I feel. So, getting up at the same time is helpful to remind myself that it is a workday.”
Brandon, Web Developer
“I have a new baby at home so this is difficult for me at this time, but I, simply, try to get MOST of my work done during typical business hours when others may need to speak with me, and then leave a bit of time in the evening to catch some things that slipped through. This works better for me than saying, ’Okay, I'm going to sit down from 9-5 and then I'm done no matter what.’ It's better for me to be flexible so that then I can accommodate some of Scott's late night requests. The best advice I can give is to find a quiet place and to not run the TV in the background. Even if you think you aren't paying attention to it, you probably are.”
Working from home gives you a lot more freedom to operate how you work best. Whether you’re starting early like Aimee or going late like Brandon, be sure to still set a schedule for yourself. It keeps you on track. It also helps separate your work and home life when you take away your commute. These are our tips, what are yours?
By Jordan Latham