Do Longer Pages Convert Better?
How can one get their conversions "above the fold." Well it starts with how they display their content on a website page above the fold - according to the conversion rate experts.
In the Internet world, "above the fold" refers to the area of the screen that users can see without scrolling. But, does not giving your customers the ability to scroll down a page always bode well with conversions?
Take for example the Amazon kindle reader page, which has been figured out is exactly three David Hasselhoffs high (David Hasselhoff is 6 foot 4 inches tall!). In fact, two of our best converting pages are two of our longest pages: Our custom web design page and are small business web design page.
The article by the conversion rate experts claims that there are 6 basic rules you want to stick to when you are making long pages. Here is a little snippet about each of them.
How To Get Users to Scroll Down
Avoid Horizontal objects near the fold. If you have a white space or any other solid color that extends at the bottom of the page (or near the fold) then it could be confusing to customers on whether or not they should even scroll down or not, and thus they would miss the majority of your content.
Use a Background for the sides and top of the page. This shading and bordering effect makes it so there is extra content to reveal. This happens because of the
Don't be afraid to ask your users to scroll down on the page. In fact you can even add calls to action like "Scroll Down to Receive So & So Promotions."
Adding a simple "please-scroll" graphic is a simple solution to let users know that they can scroll. The best part of it is that you can put it anywhere along the bottom of the page and you can also get as creative and appealing as you want with the scroll down buttons.
Take the last suggestion and make clicking the button scrollable. This makes it very easy for your users to scroll down. You can also create links to target different locations on the same page.
Avoid scrolling horizontally. This is very unnatural for most web users and becomes a real issue when the users' browser windows are narrower than the width for which the website was designed.
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