Top 10 Blog Posts of 2020

Posted by ImageWorks Creative Team December 16, 2020
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With over 20 years of experience, we consider ourselves to be experts in marketing and web/UX design. We try to share our most relevant insights on industry trends here on our blog, and boy was there a lot to talk about this year! Check out what post our readers were finding the most helpful in 2020 below.

This Year’s Most Popular 2020 Blog Posts From ImageWorks Creative

1. 5 Helpful Tips to Prepare Your Business for Digital Transition & Positioning During Stay At Home

The Internet has always been a place where people turned for information, from simple searches to deeper dives researching topics that mean the most to them. In fact 39% of people investigate products online before buying them in-store, according to Nielsen. This habit isn’t likely to stay in the consumer market.


2. New Web Design Plans - Design, Maintenance, & Optimization All-in-one, And More!

Studies show that people are more productive when they work from home, and, if the data wasn’t enough to convince you, let us offer our own experience. We’ve taken this time spent working from home to completely revamp our service structures. As a part of that process, ImageWorks Creative has developed new Web Design, Maintenance, & Optimization Plans. Take a look!


3. Website Design Cost Guide | Web Design Pricing 2020

Asking what a website costs is like asking how much a car costs. You can probably find a rusty old pickup for $100, or you could drive the latest Lambo for a cool 7 figures. In both websites and cars, prices vary with need, type, function, size, design, and dozens of other features and factors. What’s most important to you?


4. ImageWorks Creative's Half Year Review 2020

January 2020 feels like it was somewhere between last week and several years ago. Regardless of the time, a lot has happened since then, in the world, but also in ImageWorks Creative. We’d like to take this opportunity to reflect on what we’ve achieved so far this year and what it means for the people we serve.


5. How to Get the Best ROI for Your Marketing Strategies

Companies use digital marketing to position themselves as leaders, engage directly with customers, build brand recognition, and bring in conversions. This is an achievable goal, but it involves a lot of work and strategy. There are a variety of different marketing channels and strategies out there - how do you know which are best for your business? In this post, we’ll break down the best marketing strategies and what you get out of them.


6. How to Start a Company Blog

Blogging is a somewhat nebulous term. It’s a popular storytelling medium that’s as vast as the Internet itself. If you’ve been updating your website and thought it might be a good idea to add a blog, you might be feeling a little overwhelmed. There are lots of different aspects to blogging, but we’ve broken down what you need to do in order to easily start a company blog.


7. In The Thought Bubble: A Look At Our Social Media & Website Revamp

With the impact of COVID-19 slowing down business for everyone, ImageWorks leadership decided early on to take a step back and examine how we could use this time to better develop our business. We revamped how we deliver some of our services, like our web design plans, and, afterwards, realized our digital branding should get an update as well. Enter: a new hero image for our home page and new banner designs for our social media profiles. For this post, We sat down with our designers to discuss their inspirations and insights from working on the project.


8. How to Be a Better Marketer in 2020

Many skills are already considered essential if you are aiming to be a successful marketing professional in 2020. Understanding basic marketing principles and having editorial skills and effective communication top many lists online on “how to be a better marketer in 2020”.


9. Introducing ImageWorks' New Designer

You may have heard of Autumn as the Season of Change, what with all the changing leaves and dropping temperatures. However, Spring also brings changes - ones that evoke excitement over something new. The Spring of 2020 has already been packed with more than a few changes, but we have one more and we promise it’s a good one.


10. Introducing K&K Floor's New Website

On August 26, K&K Floor debuted their new digital space. Our designers made sure to craft a simple user interface, putting the focus on the floors, and included a gallery where they could show off their handiwork to potential customers.

That just about does it for 2020, but what do you want us to write about in 2021? Let us know in the comments or on our Twitter!

By Jordan Latham

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